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Slurry Infrastructure Grant – Round 2

Details for Round 2 of the Slurry Infrastructure Grant have now been announced by DEFRA and the RPA. We have answered some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to outline the detail of the scheme!

Am I eligible to apply?

  • ·You must already be producing slurry and be a pig, beef or dairy farm.

  • Landlords and tenants can apply. As a tenant you must obtain necessary permissions from the landlord. A landlord can also underwrite the agreement i.e. if the tenancy ends, the landlord agrees to continue the project.

How much funding is available?

  • £25,000 - £250,000 per applicant business (per round).

  • Final grant payments will be based on the reference cost contribution for the items needed (see Table 1) or 50% of the actual invoice costs at claim stage. i.e. whichever is the lowest amount.

What will the grant pay for?

The grant will pay for improving storage to 6 months for beef and dairy and has increased to 8 months for pigs. This includes;

  • Replacing existing stores that are no longer fit for purpose

  • Adding additional storage, if other stores that will stay part of your system meet slurry storage regulations, were built to relevant standards and remain fit for purpose

  • Expanding an existing store, for example by adding another ring to a suitable steel tank

  • Covering new and existing stores.

The full list of items is detailed in Table 1.

How do I apply?

The application is a 3 stage process.

Stage 1 - Slurry Wizard and Online Checker

  • Open November 2023 (date tbc).

  • You must understand your current and future slurry storage requirements. To do this, you must use the latest version of the Slurry Wizard (October 2023).

  • You should then complete the online checker to see if you are eligible and how much grant funding you may get.

  • If there is a high demand, projects will be prioritised based on locations with the greatest environmental outcomes. These locations have been updated for Round 2 and will be released in November.

Stage 2 - Slurry store location and design assessment

  • If successful at Stage 1, you will be asked to complete a slurry store location and design assessment form which will then be assessed by the Environments Agency (EA).

  • This must be submitted by 30th September 2024.

Stage 3 - Full application

  • If the EA are satisfied the location and design assessment, you will then be invited to submit a full application. This will be assessed by the RPA to ensure the project is viable.

  • This must be submitted by 27th June 2025.

  • If the full application is successful, the RPA will offer a grant.

What are the changes to the scheme from Round 1?

  1. Pig farms will now be offered funding up to 8 months storage. All other species will continue to be offered funding for 6 months storage.

  2. Grant will be available for slurry separators (screw or screen press separator units, gantry and temporary storage of stackable materials)

  3. Support for covering existing stores with impermeable covers. This option can be used on its own or alongside building a store but must meet scheme storage requirements and minimum grant thresholds.

  4. Added option to build in-situ cast concrete stores as an alternative to circular and panel stores, lagoons and bags.

  5. Introduced option for landlords to underwrite grant funding agreements. This will give tenants more confidence to apply. i.e. the landlord agrees to take over the agreement if tenant does not complete project.

  6. If you were successful in Round 1, the RPA will contact you directly to discuss updating your application to include the above changes if necessary.

Will there be any further Rounds of the grant?

Round 3 is anticipated to open in 2024.

Where can I find out more detail?

Get in touch with the Kelly Farm Consulting Team to discuss your options! Our consultants can help determine how the grant could be utilised on your farm and assist with the application process.

DEFRA, along with the RPA and EA will also be hosting a webinar on the 9th November at 14:30. Tickets for the free webinar will shortly be available at the following link A Defra webinar: The Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 Tickets, Thu 9 Nov 2023 at 14:30 | Eventbrite

Table 1 - Round 2 Slurry Infrastructure Items


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