SFI 2023 Offer
The RPA have now released detail of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) 2023 Offer, which will open for applications in August (date TBC). There are 23 actions (options) available through the Offer which will help to offset some of the income you will be losing from BPS. There are also additional payments available through SFI that have not historically been available through stewardship - this includes:
Payments for assessing soil and producing a soil management plan - £5.80 per ha entered into the action (option) + £95 per SFI Agreement
Payment for an advisor to produce a Nutrient Management Plan - £589 per year
Payment for an advisor to produce an Integrated Pest Management plan – £989 per year
An overall management payment - £20 per ha (up to 50 ha)
The Scheme itself is much more flexible than previous schemes, with many of the actions also being eligible for use alongside Countryside Stewardship too - so it is well worth looking at your options. We have summarised everything you need to know for the upcoming application window with some illustrated examples of the potential returns from entering the scheme.
Scheme Length 3 years When to Apply Applications will open in August (date TBC). The application window will then remain open to applications all year round. Start Date of Agreement Agreements to start on the first day of a given calendar month (this will be confirmed in your final Agreement Offer). Eligibility
You must have been a BPS eligible farmer.
You must have management control of the land for the Scheme length.
Tenants can enter into the Scheme as they are the person(s) actively farming the land but must have management control of the land for the Scheme duration.
You cannot apply if you have taken the Lump Sum (unless the Lump Sum is repaid)
Options (ACTIONS) available in SFI 2023:
Click this link to view a summary of the options available in the 2023 SFI Offer.
Note: the SFI 2022 Soil Standards are not available in the 2023 Offer.
There are no minimum or maximum areas for options in the Offer and no mandatory combinations of the options. i.e. it is a ‘pick and mix’ Offer.
There is also a management payment of £20/ ha (up to 50ha) available.
See our illustrative examples that calculate the potential income available from the 2023 SFI Offer!
EXAMPLE 1 - 250 Ha Dairy Farm Assumptions
100 ha arable land
50 ha temporary grassland
60 ha improved grassland
40 ha permanent pasture (un-improved grassland)
12,000m into hedgerow management
No existing Countryside/ Environmental Stewardship Schemes
Example 1 - Proposed Scheme
EXAMPLE 2 - 100 Ha Low input Beef Assumptions
30ha improved pasture
70 ha permanent pasture (un-improved grassland)
8,000m into hedgerow management
No existing Countryside/ Environmental Stewardship Schemes
Example 2 – Proposed Scheme
What if you are already committed to an SFI 2022 Agreement?
The RPA will contact you directly to confirm how you can benefit from the 2023 Offer.
The current SFI window has now closed temporarily.
What if I am already in a Countryside Stewardship Scheme?
Many of the options in SFI can complement your existing CS Schemes.
Some options in CS may not be eligible with SFI i.e. ‘dual funding’– these are all outlined in the SFI Handbook.
Speak with one of our consultants to find out how your existing scheme can fit with SFI!
SFI Annual Health and Welfare Review of Livestock
Eligible livestock keepers can get paid for a vet, or team chosen by a vet, to visit their farm and carry out an annual health and welfare review of eligible livestock.
You not need to have an SFI agreement for environmental land management actions to apply for this.
Funding available
£684 – pig review
£436 – sheep review
£522 beef cattle review
£372 dairy cattle review
To discuss how SFI can be incorporated into your farming system, get in touch with our team of Consultants! If you have already discussed Countryside Stewardship/ SFI applications with our team, we will be in touch with you directly.
Charlie Davies 07904 601104 charlie@kellyfarmconsulting.com Laura Cureton 07399 117257 laura@kellyfarmconsulting.com Sam Kelly 07777 696080 sam@kellyfarmconsulting.com Office 01454 614624