Feed Grade Urea Shortage
Due to the huge hike in gas prices, the production of Feed Grade Urea has been halted, and we understand there is currently none available in the Country, with no expected date for supply to return. The support the Government has given to the Fertiliser manufacturers doesn't help with the supply of urea on the feed side. When Feed Grade Urea does return, there is talk of a price hike of £200+ per tonne. We understand force majure is being called on any orders in the pipeline, so any stock you have on the farm is likely to be your lot for now.
Feed Grade Urea makes up a small, but significant element of the ration for many of you. Ultimately, this issue will mean a siginifcant increase in diet cost, as we try to plug the gap with more expensive protein products.
We will work our way through everyone's diets in the next couple of days and come up with a solution for each of you. If you are running short of Urea, please let your usual consultant know as soon as possible so that we can make sure you are at the top of the list. Otherwise, we will be in touch directly in the next few days.
It is important to note that this issue will affect those of you feeding urea as part of a bought in blend, as well as those of you feeding urea directly on the farm.
Now to go and track down some diesel, what a mad world we live in at the moment!
Sam Kelly 07777 696080 sam@kellyfarmconsulting.com
Charlie Davies 07904 601104 charlie@kellyfarmconsulting.com
Pete Kelly 07970 942668 pete@kellyfarmconsulting.com
Office 01454 614624