Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) Round 2 - New items added for 2023!
Are you eligible?
You can apply for the funding if you are a farmer, grower, forestry owner or contractor.
Grants for the Animal Health and Welfare Items are available to farmers and contractors in the following sectors.
· Beef
· Dairy
· Sheep
· Pigs
· Laying hens
· Broilers
What can the grant be used for?
The funding has been split into 2 themes.
1. Productivity and Slurry Items
2. Animal Health and Welfare Items
(Note: You can apply for just one scheme or both!)
The items listed for grant funding have been identified to help improve agricultural productivity, contribute to improving animal health and welfare, encourage sustainable use of pesticides and fertiliser, improve air and water quality, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reduce unsustainable use of abstracted water and encourage sustainable woodland management.
To view the full list of items available and their specifications, follow the links below.
Productivity and Slurry Theme – click here
Animal Health and Welfare Theme – click here
How much funding is available?
The minimum amount of funding is £1,000 and a maximum of £25,000 per theme.
If you had already received funding in Round 1, you are still eligible to receive up to £25,000 in each of the new themes.
The funding will again be based on standard costs (a contribution to the total cost of the item) with each item needing to meet the minimum specifications outlined by the RPA.
How does the grant work?
The application is an online process. You will be required to submit one application for items under the Productivity and Slurry theme and another for the Animal Health and Welfare theme (separate application windows!).
Applications will be based on a scoring system, with each item having been assigned a score out of 100 based on productivity, environmental benefit and level of adoption for the Productivity and Slurry theme; and animal health and welfare benefit, productivity, innovation and environmental benefit for the Animal Health and Welfare theme.
All applications will be assessed following closure of the application windows (to be confirmed). If successful at the online application stage, you will then be offered a Grant Funding Agreement (GFA).
What to do next!
FETF Round 2 will be open for applications to the Productivity and Slurry items later in February (date TBC). The Animal Health and Welfare theme will be open for applications in March.
Get in touch with the Kelly Farm Consulting Team for more information and to discuss your options! If you have already registered your interest with us, we will be in touch shortly!
Charlie Davies
07904 601104
Laura Cureton
07399 117257
Sam Kelly
07777 696080
Office 01454 614624