Details on FETF grant funding for 2024 applications has now been released by DEFRA. The new funding offers 3 grants to help you purchase items that will improve productivity, manage slurry and improve animal health and welfare.
We have answered your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to summarise everything you need to know about the up and coming funding available!
What grant funding is available?
There are 3 separate avenues of funding available.
Improve productivity – £1,000 up to £50,000.
Slurry management - £1,000 up to £50,000.
Animal health and welfare - £1,000 up to £25,000.
You can apply for any of the above therefore meaning you could receive up to £125,000 grant funding towards the purchase of new equipment.
Funding is competitive - you may receive none, some or all of the funding you apply for.
The RPA will pay a grant amount of 50% or 60% towards either:
The average cost of the item (if the item costs the same or more than the expected average cost in the items list).
The actual cost you paid for the item (if the item costs less than the expected average cost listed).
Am I eligible?
If you are a farmer, horticulturalist, forestry owner or contractor you are eligible for funding.
The Animal Health and Welfare Grant is only available to beef, dairy, sheep, pigs and laying/ broiler chickens.
You may also be eligible to apply if you have received FETF grants in the past.
What items are available and how are they scored?
The list of productivity items and their specifications can be found at the following link.
Scoring for productivity items is based on their productivity benefit, environmental benefit and level of adoption by the industry.
Each item has a score up to 100 and the RPA will pay a grant amount of 50 or 60% (this is confirmed for each item in the list),
Slurry Management
The list of slurry management items and their specifications can be found at the following link.
Scoring for slurry management items is based on improving slurry management, environmental benefit and level of adoption by the industry.
Each item has a score up to 100 and the RPA will pay a grant amount of 60% towards items.
Animal Health and Welfare
The list of productivity items and their specifications can be found at the following link.
Scoring for animal health and welfare items are based on their contribution towards the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway priorities. You can increase your score by 20% if you provide evidence that you have discussed the application with your vet.
The vet advice must be sought in 2024 for it to be eligible for the score increase. You will also need to provide the vet’s details, date of discussion and permission to contact your vet when you apply.
Each item has a score up to 100 and the RPA will pay a grant amount of 50% towards items.
Can the funding cover second hand items?
No. This funding will only cover items that are new and meet the listed specifications. Home built items will also not be funded under this grant.
Are there any additional, new rules for this round of FETF?
YES! If you are applying for a grant that is over £25,000, the RPA will require supporting documents for the applicant business. This will be either; financial accounts for the most recent 3 years of trading or for new businesses, the latest tax return, management accounts or statement of income and expenses from an accountant.
Evidence of match funding for the balance of the item costs will also be required.
When do applications open?
Applications will open shortly (date TBC!). We will send a further newsletter with update when the date is released.
There will also be 2 more application windows for productivity, slurry and animal health and welfare items in 2024 (again dates TBC).
What is the application process?
Firstly, check the specifications of the items in the items lists (they may have changed since previous rounds!)
Then, check the availability of the items with your preferred supplier (but… do not order or buy anything at this stage).
Complete the online application process with the Farming Investment Fund service (we can assist with this). This is separate to the RPA online service and will require a new registration.
Submit your application. However, if you wish to apply for more than one grant e.g. you wish to apply for items in both slurry management and improving productivity – you will need to submit separate applications for these.
Once submitted, you will receive an email of acknowledgement.
Applications will then be checked and scored by the RPA.
If successful, you will receive a Grant Funding Agreement.
Are goat farms eligible?
It specifically outlines in the guidance that goats are excluded. HOWEVER! The RPA said this in the last round but then advised goat farms could apply as sheep! We are on the case trying to get an answer on this, so we will inform you of the outcome as soon as we know.
Where can I find out more on FETF?
Our team of consultants are always happy to answer your questions and discuss your options for grant funding. Get in touch today using our contact details below!
Charlie Davies
07904 601104
Laura Cureton
07399 117257
Sam Kelly
07777 696080
Office 01454 614624